
Halloween was fun. My kids dressed up as Blue Beetle, a penguin, and a witch/mermaid. It was funny to realize that my oldest has always been some kind of character, either a superhero or someone from Minecraft. My middle child is almost always an animal and my youngest changes her mind every year and wears multiple costumes. It’s somehow comforting how fixed kids are in their personalities, like they will be who they will be no matter what you do. It makes me feel like my influence as a mother, while enormous, is still limited and while that could be quite scary, it is also reassuring. It’s also just fun to see what they will do, they really are all quite distinct and different from each other.

I haven’t been painting as much the past few weeks but I have been drawing up a storm. It will be exciting to get them all painted. I’m hoping I can get a few done before some Christmas Art Markets I am doing.

Ever since school started things have been so busy but it feels like the short days and colder weather are forcing us to slow down now. I like that about winter but at the same time I get so sad when it gets dark at 5. When my babies were teeny it was the worst feeling. It feels more manageable now as long as I get outside during the day and exercise.

I spent a decent chunk of time last year on a project about winter and how it makes me feel, which didn’t really go anywhere. It feels like I am trying to grasp something but it keeps slipping through my hands. I have been deliberately trying to take a long break from it but I keep feeling drawn to it. Maybe someday it will all come together. Meanwhile, I will be raking leaves and making soup.

Related: I really loved the book Wintering by Katherine May and I recommend it if you are getting in a wintery mood or if you are going through a rough patch.


10 Cozy Winter Books


Bob Ross Thoughts